May this haiku inspire you to fear not.
like a gauze over the eyes, fear clouds the vision unwrap the bandage clean out the wound, cast fear into the sea, you shall see clearly again
You speak to me through the blades of grass with sparkling dewdrops like tiny tears holding my sadness in the palm of your hand, absorbing the sorrow in the breast of your broken heart a heart that cries rivers of tears and you wash away the sadness with the waters of your love, holding me in the palm of your hand there is healing in your touch as you bring me back to life and you set me on high and you let me live again
From the longings of my heart comes this writer’s prayer – my prayer to bless you.
A WRITER'S PRAYER I long to have beautiful words spill from my hands, blessing all who read them. Words that flow like music and colors. Words that shine with loveliness and light. I long for a river of beauty to stream forth from my soul. Can heavenly beauty pour down into the mudholes of earthly life? I believe it can! Maybe all it takes is a willingness to receive. Lord, may I be willing. I want to be willing to carry words and release them to the world, like healing balm. I want to embrace the call to write, and I want to write the call of beauty - the healing power in the beauty of nature. Lord, you make it easy for us to receive your love. May the words I write make it easy for all who receive them, whether it be in nature or in the grittiness of daily life; whether it be in celebration or in suffering. Lord, let beautiful words fall from my lips onto the page, sealed with a kiss of love and adoration for you. Let me live and move and have my being in you, in the secret place, in your presence where no enemy can withstand. Let the words come, Lord - words of peace and promise, words of hope and expectation, words that bring life and words that come true, words that paint the colors of goodness in all its living glory. Amen. May it be so.
I painted “Color My World” last summer, and the message is still true today. Thank God for beauty, and color, and diversity!
Another thing I know to be true: sometimes lament and celebration walk hand in hand. Joy and sorrow overlap. Beauty grows from the soil of pain.
Our Savior knew pain and sorrow. He paid a heavy price to break chains and set us free. Let this not go unnoticed. A resurrected life is offered here and now.
Let us stand with our brothers and sisters and lament with them. Let us recognize all who come from a long line of suffering, and who still suffer today.
Let us celebrate the freedom we are all offered, beginning with God’s gift of free will. Let us remember the slow manifestation of that freedom through the centuries.
We are interconnected in this garden of life. Let us raise the flag of hope, and lower our eyes in prayer. Lord, let us see the beauty of all the colors in your garden. Send your healing rain and let us feel your love. Let no flower be overlooked.
"...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Philippians 4:8 NIV
Summer rolls out her red carpet of heat, glamour abandoned. Sweat shimmers on beautiful foreheads, makeup melting like wax from a candle warmed by the flame. The masks of theatrics peel off like wet band-aids, exposing old wounds to summer's hot rays... rays of healing releasing fountains of feeling. Do not be afraid to embrace the beauty of summer's sheerness, unadorned by red lipstick, unchained to the camera, unconcerned with numbers on a scale. The cover-up is no longer required. All are welcomed. All are accepted. We are incandescent. Summer casts her smile upon us and whispers on the breeze, "Perfect as is."
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