There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Month: June 2023

Coat of Arms: A Blessing of the Word

A poem, prayer, and blessing.

In the beginning was the Word

and the Word was with God

and the Word was God

John 1:1
Coat of Arms: A Blessing of the Word

And the Word put on
a Coat of Skin
and became flesh
and lived and walked
and talked among us
and we saw the
face of God

And the Shepherd put on
the Coat of a Lamb
and was led to slaughter
in our place
and we saw the
depth of God

And the Son of God
put on a Coat of Death
and went down into the grave
and we saw the mysteries of
the Holy of Holies

And the spotless Lamb
put on a Kingly Robe
and He rose from death
and we saw the
wisdom and power
the glory and salvation
the redemptive majesty
of the Most High God
Who lives and reigns
forever and ever.

A Blessing of the Word:

May we be filled with the hope of the living God. May we walk in the beauty of His promises. May we grow in His love, and be comforted by His words. And may we remain in His Presence all the days of our lives. Amen!

Life is Good

A poem for anyone who has ever doubted life is good.

Life is Good

life is good 
I feel the truth of it
anointing my bones
permeating my body
like a fragrance
floating like a banner
in the sky:
it is only when
the flow of life is
challenged or
that it becomes hard
oh that we would keep
within the flow of goodness
all the days of our lives
finding beauty under rocks
strength beneath stones
where life goes
wisdom grows
between thorns and thistles
lacing splendor through splinters
until we become
rivers of life
washing over boulders
cutting through mountains
pouring ourselves into
the roots of the
strongest oaks
emptying ourselves into
the great sea of love
only to be filled
again and again
this is how life is good


the whole of it
is too much to bear
the weight of it
crushing the trachea
the stone of it
too large to swallow
the jagged pieces
sharp and undigestible
so the story is ground
into fine powder
the dust of it sprinkled
over every meal
until the knowledge of
its truth takes root
within our being
ready to be measured
wisdom against deception
but instead of answers
a garden grows
a sanctuary of beauty
and color
a place of warmth
and life
a table of joy
and honey
the promise of hope
and a future

Turning Sorrow Into Joy: A Flow of Praises

May we lift our hearts in an outpouring of joyful praises!

A flow of praises

A new day is here! This is no longer a time of hard things, struggles, and darkness. This is no longer a “sacrifice” of praise in the midst of troubles. God has turned our mourning into joy. Praise now flows through our lips easily, like the promises of God – full and fat, and always answering Yes! Yes! Yes!

This is abundance. This is the work of God. This is the way life is GOOD. Sing to the Lord, bless His name, announce His salvation day after day. His mercies are new every morning. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

Oh, what an honor to see the mighty works of the Lord! The undeserved favor and blessings, the marvelous gifts, the righteous deeds, the depth and height, the length and width of His never ending love for us. What a blessing to see God at work, catching a glimpse of what He does within His own creation. He does special things for us because HE CAN! He is God, He is willing, He wants to, and He loves us.

Oh, Lord, we are overwhelmed with Your greatness! Who are we that You would even bother with us? But Your love comes through, it cannot be held back. Your love comes to the most wretched of us, to those in despair. It lifts us out of the pit, cleans us up, and gives us a crown, not of thorns but of glory, the glory we have in Christ! Your love brings us into Your own glory! What a mystery for the books of the ages!

Lift your horn, oh people of God. Tell the world the Spirit is moving again and again! Hallelujah!

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