There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Month: May 2022

My Life Is A Prayer: A Novel in Verse

My Life Is A Prayer

My Life Is A Prayer is a beautifully written poetic novel portraying a sensitive young introvert trying to find her place in life. In this coming-of-age narrative, Catherine grapples with her childhood fears, her desire to fit in, and her longing to unravel life’s mysteries. As she moves into young adulthood, Catherine struggles through the challenges of not only “making a living” but also of creating a meaningful life. This is the story of her search for God in the hard questions and in deeply felt fears and anxieties. It is a story of faith, and a life of prayer.

The book is written in verse, which means each chapter is a short poem. It is a quick read. The story is captivating but not complicated, simple yet profound.

My Life Is A Prayer is a very relatable story. You will experience triumph, heartache, joy, and beauty, beginning with Catherine’s earliest days and continuing through her working days, until the breathtaking finale. Allow yourself the pleasure of savoring this wonderfully uplifting lyrical memoir. This is a book that will live in your heart forever.

Available at

You Are With Me – A Memorial Poem

For all who are grieving on this Memorial Day Weekend:

May these words bring you comfort. May you know you are not alone.

You Are With Me - A Memorial Poem

You are in
the smallest lepton

You extend
beyond the ozone

You are in 
the sparkling dew drop

You extend
to snowy mountaintop

from greatest to small
you are in it all

from sky to land
I see your mighty hand

from sand to sea
you'll always be with me

from the lion to the dove
you always send your love

in the roaring, in the song
I know that I belong

in the whispers of my heart
we'll never be apart

not death, nor life
nothing can sever

the ties that bind
you are with me



Prayer is Powerful

This is a reminder that your prayer IS effective.

Prayer is Powerful

PRAYER is a powerful weapon, not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil.

Prayer is one of the ways we can fight back against the powers of darkness in the world.

If you are feeling powerless in the face of overwhelming evil, remember:


Fight the good fight!

(inspired by Ephesians 6:12 and 1 Timothy 6:12)

Broken Haiku – Lamenting Uvalde

Something Is Broken

Broken Haiku

Something is broken.

Today is Wednesday, the last week of school for our local children. I can’t stop thinking of the children and families of Uvalde, Texas.

Something is broken and we keep standing in it, cutting our feet, watching it repeat, our own blood staining the very hands that mother our children.

We are all broken.

Lord, hear our prayers.

A Tribute to My Cousin

A Tribute to My Cousin

This is my cousin Cindy.

When my sisters and I were little, my cousin Cindy took us to the movie theater to see Snow White. It was the first time we ever went to the “show” and we loved it.

When I started kindergarten I was scared to ride the school bus, but my cousin Cindy was in high school and she let me sit with her on the bus, surrounded by her friends. I rode with the “big girls” and I wasn’t scared anymore.

She had a guinea pig and a big fluffy cat, and her bed was covered with so many stuffed animals, I don’t know where she slept. She was a dancer with beautiful costumes, and I wanted to be a ballerina too.

She grew up and moved away, and I didn’t see her much after that. I grew up too. I grew tall, and I passed her in height, but I still looked up to my big cousin. She called me “little one” and I loved that name – It made me feel so loved.

I will always remember her this way, with her long hair and her ballet shoes, my beautiful cousin who now dances with the angels in the presence of glory. I know I will see her again one day, and if I’m scared, I know she’ll save me a seat on the bus so I won’t have to ride alone.

Loosening – Poem of Letting Go

May your troubles be loosened today, dear friend – may you find yourself letting go. May you be filled with grace to finish your race. May blessings arrive each morning.

Loosening - A Poem of Letting Go

something is loosening the laces
of all that was tightly held

white knuckles
clinched fist
rigid wrist

something's emerging
from the deep

could it be courage
untying the knots?

fingers uncurl
hope begins to swirl

something sweeps
through bones and veins

washing away
aches and pains

with outstretched arm
grace takes my hand

things tightly held
fall to the land

covered by dirt
nourished by soil
no need to work

no strife
no sweat
no toil

troubles now are planted
in the ground of grace

where goodness knows
how beauty grows

alive in love's embrace

Morning Sings (Haiku)

A morning haiku to brighten your day!

morning haiku

Morning sings a sweet
hello, her melody sweeps
the velvety sky

She captures my heart
with her rising light as she
spreads her song of love

Bloom Haiku

May the garden of your heart be in perpetual bloom!

Azalea Bloom

the azaleas bloomed
then blew away, the lovely
pear blooms did not stay

so brief is our bloom
gone tomorrow before we
are fully aware

of the beauty we
carry, the spring in our hearts
the bloom in our cheeks

rose petals softly
fall at our feet, covered with
soil, buried again

to be nourished in
the deep, rising in glory,
the cycle of blooms

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