Beauty Grows From The Soil Of Pain

I painted “Color My World” last summer, and the message is still true today. Thank God for beauty, and color, and diversity!

Another thing I know to be true: sometimes lament and celebration walk hand in hand. Joy and sorrow overlap. Beauty grows from the soil of pain.

Our Savior knew pain and sorrow. He paid a heavy price to break chains and set us free. Let this not go unnoticed. A resurrected life is offered here and now.

Let us stand with our brothers and sisters and lament with them. Let us recognize all who come from a long line of suffering, and who still suffer today.

Let us celebrate the freedom we are all offered, beginning with God’s gift of free will. Let us remember the slow manifestation of that freedom through the centuries.

We are interconnected in this garden of life. Let us raise the flag of hope, and lower our eyes in prayer. Lord, let us see the beauty of all the colors in your garden. Send your healing rain and let us feel your love. Let no flower be overlooked.

Happy Juneteenth, my friends!

"...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.     Philippians 4:8 NIV