There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Month: April 2023


Fear Not (photo of gauze over hand)

May this haiku inspire you to fear not.

like a gauze over 
the eyes, fear clouds the vision
unwrap the bandage

clean out the wound, cast
fear into the sea, you shall 
see clearly again

Prayer Is An Act of Courage

Prayer is an act of courage.

An act of courage?

Throughout my cancer journey, I have been awestruck by the outpouring of love, concern, support, encouragement, and prayers of countless people, many of them strangers. And now that I’ve entered a resting point, away from the harsh chemo, and I am functioning better and thinking more clearly, something profound has occurred to me.

It’s an act of courage to pray for someone else, to breathe hope into words, to send those words out into the heavens, not certain what the outcome will be, never truly sure that you’ve been heard, yet daring to believe the impossible, calling goodness into being, watching and waiting to see what will happen as you go about your daily life.

I want you to know that you’ve given me an amazing gift: your valiant act of faith. I hold this offering close to my heart, wrapped in tissues of hope, and I somehow know with certainty that the divine walks upon this earth through the acts of kindness and love from people like you.

Peace Haiku

Peace Haiku

what if the peace you
crave already resides deep
within your being

it would only be
a matter of plunging the 
depths of your own soul

to see, to reckon
to unplug and draw up all
that is already


Forget Not

Forget not the beauty of nature!

Forget not the beauty of nature

forget not the beauty of fog
swirling mysteries among
the dew drenched fields

forget not the joy of spring
lest it pass you by 
without lingering

forget not the open sky
as you walk through today
tethered to the earth

look up
look up
look up!

Love Is Always Young

A micro story in verse for all who believe in romance – love is always young!

Photo of Karen and Rick Hessler - love is always young

we sat beneath a pine tree
our backs resting against bark
hands sticky with sap
we were full of big ideas
bursting with the vigor of youth
we picked pinecones and
we planted seeds for our future
perennials to renew every spring
we whispered secrets and
we laughed when raindrops fell
watering our dreams
we followed breadcrumbs into the
unknown and called it adventure
we knew that love would light the way

Girls With Swords

A poem especially for all who battle breast cancer: may we fight the good fight and win like girls with swords.

Girls With Swords

I once was a girl who
could look fear in the eye
and cut through its power
with the tip of my sword

I once was a lark who
could sing away sadness
the moment the mournful
dove knocked at my door

I once was an eagle
magnificent and wise
who could fly above trouble
who could pick apart lies

will I ever see that girl again
will I ever win this battle
set before me now when
suddenly I don't know how

oh, let the wings of the
eagle lift me up high
let the song of the lark
lift my heart to the sky

let the girl with the sword
fight this battle in me
let me win, let me win!
let me finally be free

Looking For Signs

A poem of looking for signs of resurrection.

Looking for signs of resurrection (photo of rising sun)

don't mind me I'm just
looking for signs of resurrection
little signs that the fallen still rise
thistle puffs that float like ghosts
carrying seeds in their long white hair
a mournful dove calling to her mate
the sun rising through darkened clouds
these bearers of hope wrap their banners
across my heart and stir the sleepy
promises of spring like a memory
just waiting to burst into life

Little Moments of Peace

Little Moments of Peace

I think we all need more little moments of peace every day.

There’s so much we can’t control. So much beyond our power to fix or change. We can only do the next right thing – and that looks different for each of us. But a moment of peace can bring the clarity we need for the next right thing. It can make a difference, that little moment.

We have to learn how to live life in the middle of chaos. We have to find a way to stay sane. We have to find a way to calm our emotions and stay centered so that we are prepared to do the hard work ahead of us. Otherwise we will burn out. We will be useless.

We become part of the problem when we don’t take the time to nurture ourselves.

I don’t have the answers to all of the problems in today’s world, but I do know the value of slowing down, taking a moment to breathe and re-center, taking time to reconnect with goodness, and light, and things that transcend the horror and anguish of this modern world.

Looking at clouds and smelling flowers will not solve political conflict, but that doesn’t mean there’s no place for it in a fallen world. We all need hope and courage as much as we need a plan of action.

May you find a way to allow the little things to bring you peace and refreshment. May you be fortified to act from a place of wisdom and purpose. And may you find a way to do the hard things with honor and love.

Go forth and conquer!

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