There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Month: March 2022

The Power of the Pen

A poem for anyone who has ever put pen to page – may you know the power of the pen.

Power of the Pen

my pen is my voice
a silent voice streaming
ink-covered thoughts
across the page

my pen speaks softly
words wrapped in truth
like breath flowing
through moving lips

the kiss of language
pressed from person
to person, blessing
upon blessing

soundless messages
quietly welling up as
the eyes read the words
again and again

the power of the pen

Go Forth and Conquer

This is for everyone fighting a hard battle: may victory come today.

fighting a hard battle: go forth and conquer this day

Add a little sunshine
to chase the shadows away

Throw in a dose of kindness
to keep the monsters at bay

If you want to slay a dragon
begin with the light of day

Fly high the flag of victory
as the nightmare fades away

Let hope take wing and angels sing

Go forth and conquer this day

Ordinary Brilliance – A Short Story in Verse

This is a short story in verse, about ordinary brilliance and the inner light we carry. It is a reminder that all of us are light bearers – we are made to shine.

Ordinary Brilliance - A Short Story in Verse

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