There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: you are loved

Healing of the Heart

Healing comes gently.

This is for anyone who has ever felt broken-hearted, disappointed, hurt, sad, lost, or grief-stricken.

Healing does come. Maybe not as fast as you’d like, but it will come gently, one moment at a time.

May peace be with you today and every day. You are greatly loved.

Healing of the Heart

He sees these sad
He knows what 
to do
because disappointment
leaves a mark
and sometimes the cut
is deep

I will let Him clean
the wound
I will let Him blow
fresh air
to aid the healing

I will let Him apply the balm
of Gilead
to soothe the spasms
of grief
the sorrow that drags
every loss
into its net to weigh down
my heart

I will let Him cut
the net
and release despair into
the sea
I will let anguish follow
to be caught in the current
washed away

Valentine’s Day: Feel the Love

Every day is Valentine’s Day if only we have eyes to see. May you feel the love, spread the love, and be the love, my beloved friends!

feel the love, spread the love, be the love

You love me in the sounds
of the morning
in the heartbeat of the 
awakening world.

You love me with the frost
on the rooftops
sparkling like diamonds
and the dusting of white
glistening across the lawns.

You love me in the flight
of the silver-white
bird, gracefully making
her way to the pond.

You love me in the crowing
of the roosters, the chirping
of small birds, the yapping
of little dogs - these are the
voices of your love.

You love me in the greeting
of the neighbor, the rumbling
of the school bus, in the normal
everyday work-and-play slice
of modern life.

You love me every day
in little ways, let me have eyes
to see, let me have a heart
to receive your never-ending
love for me.

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