There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: winter poetry

Winter’s Grace

A poem of hibernation and the offering of winter’s grace.

Winter's Grace

the moon waits for me
at sunrise
slowly melting into the sky
each morning I don't walk by

the oak holds steady
around the corner
thick arms open wide
patiently she waits
for the next embrace

the fields hold their breath
listening for my footfall
the birds whistle and chirp
my name is in their call

but my door remains
closed to the world
the sun climbs high
without seeing my face

and like a flower that doesn't
bloom until springtime
I am offered winter's grace

Expressions of the Heart

A poem for the heart.

Expressions of the Heart

open your heart
and you will find

words of life
and light
hope and joy
words of darkness
and danger
anger and fear

choose your words wisely
choose life and blessings
and your heart will bloom
like a flower in winter
soft petals scattered like
bright seeds in the snow

let your heart speak gently
light as a feather
the brush of an angel
expressions of love
and gather all the light
into a quiet offering

that can melt darkness
and calmly quell fears
soothing all anger
transforming the tears
into heartfelt expressions
of all you are meant to be

Before You Continue to Build

What are you building today, my friend? A home, a career, a platform, a following, a family, a book of memories, a life? This winter, may you take the time to hold it up to the light before you continue to build.

Before You Continue to Build

if there is mold in an
interior wall you must 
first tear down the wall
to get to the mold before
you continue to build

if there is a spot or blemish
that marks your soul
you must first wring it out
like a washing of clothes
before you continue to build

if there are tears obscuring
the blueprint of life
you must first call the guy
who can make it right
let him help you fix it
as you hold it to the light
before you continue to build

The Beauty of Light

Haiku poem all about light.


one small glow can chase
away shadows, a string of
lights can bring much cheer

therefore carry your
lamp in the palm of your hand
bless the world with light

Winter Song

A poem of the power of song.

Winter Song

once there was a girl
who sang to the night sky
and her song hung the moon
then the stars began to fall
softly, like snowflakes
into Winter's waiting hand

the earth plunged
into darkness
and the only light was
the melody that
carried the moon away

and on the darkest night
the people sang
and lit candles
across the world

Winter could not extinguish
their brightness, so
in a fit of rage
he flung the stars into the sea
where the melody carried them

up, up, up to the sky
and once again, the song
swung the moon
until Winter blew away

Winter Walk

A poem for all who walk on winter days.

Winter Walk

a trail of wet footprints
line the road leading
to the empty bus stop
the student long gone
on this last day of school
before the winter break
yet the mark of his
waiting remains etched
under my feet

I step in each footprint
as I walk along
by heavy backpacks
and final exams
simply following a student's
footsteps as we each walk
our separate paths
along the same road

a quiet sense of 
encircles my heart
as I continue past
the empty bus stop
leaving my own set 
of prints for the next
traveler to follow
on his winter walk

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