There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: spring

Bloom Haiku

May the garden of your heart be in perpetual bloom!

Azalea Bloom

the azaleas bloomed
then blew away, the lovely
pear blooms did not stay

so brief is our bloom
gone tomorrow before we
are fully aware

of the beauty we
carry, the spring in our hearts
the bloom in our cheeks

rose petals softly
fall at our feet, covered with
soil, buried again

to be nourished in
the deep, rising in glory,
the cycle of blooms

In Search of Spring

You suddenly blew in
with a thunderous wind
just as the blossoms
were starting to bloom,
just as the darkness
was giving me room
to breathe and to feel
the absence of gloom,
here you come again
with your icy wind
that closes me inside
and makes me want to hide
where no one can get in.

But look, I see the days
expand and lengthen long,
oh, yes, I hear the birds
they sing a springlike song.
Your blustery winds
are fading away,
the sun with its warmth
is coming to play,
one of these days
Spring is coming to say,
"Welcome! I am here."

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