Little Moments of Peace

I think we all need more little moments of peace every day.

There’s so much we can’t control. So much beyond our power to fix or change. We can only do the next right thing – and that looks different for each of us. But a moment of peace can bring the clarity we need for the next right thing. It can make a difference, that little moment.

We have to learn how to live life in the middle of chaos. We have to find a way to stay sane. We have to find a way to calm our emotions and stay centered so that we are prepared to do the hard work ahead of us. Otherwise we will burn out. We will be useless.

We become part of the problem when we don’t take the time to nurture ourselves.

I don’t have the answers to all of the problems in today’s world, but I do know the value of slowing down, taking a moment to breathe and re-center, taking time to reconnect with goodness, and light, and things that transcend the horror and anguish of this modern world.

Looking at clouds and smelling flowers will not solve political conflict, but that doesn’t mean there’s no place for it in a fallen world. We all need hope and courage as much as we need a plan of action.

May you find a way to allow the little things to bring you peace and refreshment. May you be fortified to act from a place of wisdom and purpose. And may you find a way to do the hard things with honor and love.

Go forth and conquer!