There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: poetry for the soul


This is a modern psalm about seeking the presence of God.


I wake up in the night
empty in my soul
looking for you

but I cannot feel
your presence

"don't go by your feelings"
they say

but I want to sense you
I want to perceive
your indwelling

what are feelings
if not messengers
from within

pointing out what
truly matters?

I long to touch you
to reach out
and grasp your hand

if an invisible God
cannot be seen
or felt

how do I know
you are there?

my soul cries out
for the living God

impress yourself
upon my heart

emboss me with
your design

speak to me
in the way
I understand

if I cannot see
your face

then let me feel
your heartbeat

and let me sense
your presence

let me know
that you have not
abandoned me

let all your promises
come true

There Is A Treasure

This is for all you treasure hunters – now is the time.

There is a treasure

there is a treasure
buried deep
in the heart

you must burrow
into the abyss

until you see
a light

or hear
a voice

or become wrapped 
in a gauze
of answers


when you hear 
a word resonating

in the recesses
of your soul

the treasure is near


you have been 
given power

to receive
this treasure

so go now
retrieve it

now is the time

Being Haiku

Being Haiku

This is a haiku poem about being-ness.

some days we simply
exist - as the minutes tick
we touch "being-ness"

Expressions of the Heart

A poem for the heart.

Expressions of the Heart

open your heart
and you will find

words of life
and light
hope and joy
words of darkness
and danger
anger and fear

choose your words wisely
choose life and blessings
and your heart will bloom
like a flower in winter
soft petals scattered like
bright seeds in the snow

let your heart speak gently
light as a feather
the brush of an angel
expressions of love
and gather all the light
into a quiet offering

that can melt darkness
and calmly quell fears
soothing all anger
transforming the tears
into heartfelt expressions
of all you are meant to be

In This Breath

A poem of waiting, breath, and hope.

In This Breath

let your body go soft
let your fist uncurl
unclench your jaw
let your breath flow
like water over stones
dissolving every fear
let your thoughts flow
like warm hope over
every bruise
every scrape
every sorrow
every ache
in this space
it is safe to wait
in this breath
is a seed of faith
let each thought hold
this grain of truth:
everything will be okay
everything will be okay

Me and My Dog

Me and my dog

This is a poem about me and my dog, and the art of slow living.

me and my dog
we sit
we sit
with our faces
in the wind
eyes closed
hearts open

me and my dog
we watch
we watch
birds flying
leaves falling
grass dying
geese calling

me and my dog
we listen 
we listen
to the heartbeat
in the earth
the hoofbeats
of mighty beasts

racing across time
wild horses running
at breakneck speed
leaving us behind
but we don't need
that kind of rush, no
not me and my dog

Autumn Falls: A Poem of Letting Go

Autumn Falls: A Poem of Letting Go

This is a poetic story of beauty and color – a tale of holding on and letting go.

come with me, you say
pulling me along
come and see, and my 
heart follows willingly
as my lips sing
the sweetest song

what is this place, I ask
as we wander through
an unknown land
filled with giant trees
and flaming leaves
bigger than my hand

this is autumn, you say
with a smile, as we climb
orange branches wrapped
with golden foliage
breathing sun-ripened scents
of pumpkins and spice

let us gather the colors
let us bring them back home
let us brighten our world
let us lighten our load

let us always remember
let us never forget
but when I look at you
I see your face is wet

then we cross the river
of time, but alas 
the colors turn crunchy
and fade like winter grass
why do seasons change so fast
autumn falls, it cannot last

You Are With Me – A Memorial Poem

For all who are grieving on this Memorial Day Weekend:

May these words bring you comfort. May you know you are not alone.

You Are With Me - A Memorial Poem

You are in
the smallest lepton

You extend
beyond the ozone

You are in 
the sparkling dew drop

You extend
to snowy mountaintop

from greatest to small
you are in it all

from sky to land
I see your mighty hand

from sand to sea
you'll always be with me

from the lion to the dove
you always send your love

in the roaring, in the song
I know that I belong

in the whispers of my heart
we'll never be apart

not death, nor life
nothing can sever

the ties that bind
you are with me



Easter Sunday Afternoon

There’s more than one way to celebrate Easter – wishing all of you peace and blessings today!

Easter Sunday Afternoon

the sun finally came out
the wind kicked up her heels
trees danced to the rhythm
of a bird chorus, insects
hummed a steady underline
as barking dogs joyfully
joined the symphony

a piece of tin from
an old storage shed
rattled and banged
a perfect percussion
green blades of grass
shimmied in the warm
air like hula dancers

a rustle of new leaves
rose and fell like
applause, it was 
quite a show
this spontaneous
spring performance
in the mysterious
world of nature

leaving gifts of peace
and contentment
the music of heaven
filled the hearts of every
creature with ears to hear

may we hear the music
and be blessed, may our
souls be at rest, may we
receive all the goodness
life has to offer

filled to overflowing
expanding and growing
living and giving life
loving and beloved on this
Easter Sunday afternoon

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