My Life Is A Prayer

My Life Is A Prayer is a beautifully written poetic novel portraying a sensitive young introvert trying to find her place in life. In this coming-of-age narrative, Catherine grapples with her childhood fears, her desire to fit in, and her longing to unravel life’s mysteries. As she moves into young adulthood, Catherine struggles through the challenges of not only “making a living” but also of creating a meaningful life. This is the story of her search for God in the hard questions and in deeply felt fears and anxieties. It is a story of faith, and a life of prayer.

The book is written in verse, which means each chapter is a short poem. It is a quick read. The story is captivating but not complicated, simple yet profound.

My Life Is A Prayer is a very relatable story. You will experience triumph, heartache, joy, and beauty, beginning with Catherine’s earliest days and continuing through her working days, until the breathtaking finale. Allow yourself the pleasure of savoring this wonderfully uplifting lyrical memoir. This is a book that will live in your heart forever.

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