There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: peace be with you

Easter Sunday Afternoon

There’s more than one way to celebrate Easter – wishing all of you peace and blessings today!

Easter Sunday Afternoon

the sun finally came out
the wind kicked up her heels
trees danced to the rhythm
of a bird chorus, insects
hummed a steady underline
as barking dogs joyfully
joined the symphony

a piece of tin from
an old storage shed
rattled and banged
a perfect percussion
green blades of grass
shimmied in the warm
air like hula dancers

a rustle of new leaves
rose and fell like
applause, it was 
quite a show
this spontaneous
spring performance
in the mysterious
world of nature

leaving gifts of peace
and contentment
the music of heaven
filled the hearts of every
creature with ears to hear

may we hear the music
and be blessed, may our
souls be at rest, may we
receive all the goodness
life has to offer

filled to overflowing
expanding and growing
living and giving life
loving and beloved on this
Easter Sunday afternoon

Into The Presence of God

Into the presence of God

Life has a way of bringing us into the presence of God.

May you run into His arms at the first sight of trouble.

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