This is for you, dear reader. I write the words for you.

I write the words that bubble up from some mysterious spring deep inside me. I write the words that rise from my heart as I lift my eyes to the heavens and witness awe-inspiring artwork displayed across the sky. I write the words I hear in the crickets, the bullfrogs, the call of the hawk and the squawk of the geese. I write the words I see written on the wings of the butterfly, on the trunk of the tree, in the contrails of the jet plane. I write the words I hear in the voice of my heartbroken neighbor, my grieving friend, my hopeful coworker. I write it all down and give it all away to fall upon the ears and hearts of whosoever whosoever is in need whosoever is curious whosoever is near, available, present, receptive whosoever has eyes to see, ears to hear, a heart to love, arms to embrace whosoever has a searching mind, a seeking heart, a whimsical smile, a pocketful of wishes whosoever never noticed in our hustle-bustle world, the whispers in the wind, or the shapes in the clouds, or the chatter of birds, or the beauty of my words I write it down for you to see the things I see in hopes that in the noticing you will be blessed with the gift of peace.