There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: nature poetry


May the New Year find you singing, like the Songbird!

The songbird sings her
song this morn; she does
not know about the
new month, the new year,
she simply sings, for
a new day is here. 


Today is a good day to give thanks. I am thankful for YOU, dear reader! Wishing you a bit of stillness, and the blessings of gratitude, today and every day.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Give Thanks

there's a stillness this morning
the sparrows are hushed
as if waiting for humanity
to arise in thanksgiving

It Matters Not

A poem about gray skies and foggy days

gray skies and foggy days

no sun this morning
only grayness
thickened with fog

yet in the dreariness
the roosters are crowing
birds are twittering
this day

it matters not
that the leaves
lie soggy and dead

it matters not
that the sky forgot
to be blue

the whiteness of the fog
is simply a wedding veil
to be lifted at the right moment
for morning's kiss

Day After Day

What can we become, day after day? This is what happened to me when I developed a daily walking habit.

What can we become?
I've become the warm sun

Day after day
I've become the warm sun
I've become the blue sky
I've learned how to fly

I've become the blue sky

This Magnificent Wild

A poem for when you need to slow down and breathe.

Slow down and breathe.
This Magnificent Wild

it's not far
not far at all

look up
follow the pines

the scent is on the wind
one more step, my friend

over the threshold
and into the wild

flowers of gold
carefree as a child

there is more to life
than hustle and rush

listen to the wind
hear the sacred hush

feel your own presence
gentle and mild

embrace the pace
of this magnificent wild

Summer Storm – A “Lift You Up” Poem

May this poem lift you up and allow you to find beauty and perspective in every storm.

Lift You Up

Oh, the beauty
the power
the majesty
in the arms
of a summer storm!
Let it lift you high
above yourself
let it show you
larger than life
let it give you
the joy of seeing
Let it change you
rearrange you
broaden your
let it recharge you
refresh you
and finally
let it bless you
as it sets you
down to earth.

Summer Storm

Bring Me The Sky

Nature Poem For Sky Lovers, Cloud Watchers, and Those Who Wish to Break Free of Confines

Bring me the openness
of the sky.

Bless my feeble
attempts at life.

If I withdraw
folding myself
smaller and smaller

like a wilted flower
in a windowless box,

plant me deep
in the warm soil

and let me rise
arms open wide

breathing free
beyond confines.

Let my song
rise like a prayer.

Let me live
in the open air.

Morning Mysteries

Morning Mysteries

Morning shrouds herself
in a soft haze,
blurring the line between
earth and sky.

The sun hides behind
a gauzy veil,
silhouette visible
like a glow-ball
on the dimmest setting.

Mysteries hover
above the dewy fields...
could be fairy wings
or fallen stars
or the breath of angels
passing by.

My heart is lifted
by the morning mysteries,
reminding me that
each day is perfect
in itself.

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