There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

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Forget Not

Forget not the beauty of nature!

Forget not the beauty of nature

forget not the beauty of fog
swirling mysteries among
the dew drenched fields

forget not the joy of spring
lest it pass you by 
without lingering

forget not the open sky
as you walk through today
tethered to the earth

look up
look up
look up!

March Mud-ness

March Mud-ness

the ground is soft and warm
time keeps marching on
nature awaits
a burst of life
but all I see is mud

a seed lies underground
buried in darkness deep
its heart cracks open
releasing new life
but all I see is mud

Bird Show

Bird Show

I see circling
of the birds,
gliding and swooping
chasing and racing

trilling and thrilling,
talking smack
with each hard flap.

Musical fellows are these
winged creatures,
and masterful linguists.

They put on a show
that delights
and confounds.

Then they line up on
a wire to catch their
breath, take a humble 
bow, and in a blink

they are gone,
with a flutter
and a flap
as we wave
and we clap,

calling for more.

But they all fly away.
Show's over for today.

Winter’s Grace

A poem of hibernation and the offering of winter’s grace.

Winter's Grace

the moon waits for me
at sunrise
slowly melting into the sky
each morning I don't walk by

the oak holds steady
around the corner
thick arms open wide
patiently she waits
for the next embrace

the fields hold their breath
listening for my footfall
the birds whistle and chirp
my name is in their call

but my door remains
closed to the world
the sun climbs high
without seeing my face

and like a flower that doesn't
bloom until springtime
I am offered winter's grace

The Spider

spider in web

Morning Sings (Haiku)

A morning haiku to brighten your day!

morning haiku

Morning sings a sweet
hello, her melody sweeps
the velvety sky

She captures my heart
with her rising light as she
spreads her song of love

Bloom Haiku

May the garden of your heart be in perpetual bloom!

Azalea Bloom

the azaleas bloomed
then blew away, the lovely
pear blooms did not stay

so brief is our bloom
gone tomorrow before we
are fully aware

of the beauty we
carry, the spring in our hearts
the bloom in our cheeks

rose petals softly
fall at our feet, covered with
soil, buried again

to be nourished in
the deep, rising in glory,
the cycle of blooms

Signs of Spring: A Louisiana Heritage Poem

Do you look for signs of spring? In south Louisiana, the pecan tree is always the last tree to sprout buds. We like to take that as a sure sign that winter has ended, no more freezing temps, it is now safe to plant spring vegetables. Legend has it, when the pecan leaves come out, winter is finally over. But sometimes winter doesn’t give up without a fight – so we hold our breath and root for the pecan tree, rejoicing at the first sign of green, celebrating the strength of spring.

Signs of Spring

The pecan leaves have sprouted,
always the last to emerge.

Legend foretells this is the sign of
spring, the promise that winter is over.

That was before climate change:
all bets are off now.

This morning a powerful north wind
blew, chilling the air

threatening to tear off the tender
tufts of green

shaking the limbs of the steadfast
pecan tree

yet the baby leaves held,
clutching momma's fingers

and momma wouldn't let go;
the green remained

evidence of the strength of spring
in the face of power

proof that winter must finally
blow away

Easter Sunday Afternoon

There’s more than one way to celebrate Easter – wishing all of you peace and blessings today!

Easter Sunday Afternoon

the sun finally came out
the wind kicked up her heels
trees danced to the rhythm
of a bird chorus, insects
hummed a steady underline
as barking dogs joyfully
joined the symphony

a piece of tin from
an old storage shed
rattled and banged
a perfect percussion
green blades of grass
shimmied in the warm
air like hula dancers

a rustle of new leaves
rose and fell like
applause, it was 
quite a show
this spontaneous
spring performance
in the mysterious
world of nature

leaving gifts of peace
and contentment
the music of heaven
filled the hearts of every
creature with ears to hear

may we hear the music
and be blessed, may our
souls be at rest, may we
receive all the goodness
life has to offer

filled to overflowing
expanding and growing
living and giving life
loving and beloved on this
Easter Sunday afternoon

I Saw Venus: A Poem of the Morning Star

This is for the hopeless romantic with a morning star in your eyes!

Morning Star

I saw Venus
the brightest morning star
shining in the sky
a dazzling beacon
rising to new heights

her radiance calling poets
in this month of love
Valentine is smitten
by the lady from above

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