There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: love

Coat of Arms: A Blessing of the Word

A poem, prayer, and blessing.

In the beginning was the Word

and the Word was with God

and the Word was God

John 1:1
Coat of Arms: A Blessing of the Word

And the Word put on
a Coat of Skin
and became flesh
and lived and walked
and talked among us
and we saw the
face of God

And the Shepherd put on
the Coat of a Lamb
and was led to slaughter
in our place
and we saw the
depth of God

And the Son of God
put on a Coat of Death
and went down into the grave
and we saw the mysteries of
the Holy of Holies

And the spotless Lamb
put on a Kingly Robe
and He rose from death
and we saw the
wisdom and power
the glory and salvation
the redemptive majesty
of the Most High God
Who lives and reigns
forever and ever.

A Blessing of the Word:

May we be filled with the hope of the living God. May we walk in the beauty of His promises. May we grow in His love, and be comforted by His words. And may we remain in His Presence all the days of our lives. Amen!

Let Me Have Eyes To See (A Prayer to the Most High God)

eyes to see

Let me have eyes to see the signs of your personal love for me!

Synchronicity is the evidence of your presence, the evidence of your workings, the evidence of your tender love.

Though you are shrouded in mystery, I can always trust you are near, so close that we could share a breath. Right beneath the tissue of my skin you live, and move, and fill my being with your holy light, casting out darkness, destroying evil, repairing the damages that result from life in a fallen world.

You choose to make your home not in the heights where the eagles fly, not in the castles where kings reside, not in the buildings across the world, but right here in the hearts of the people you love.

What kind of God lives within a human heart? Only the Most High could do – would do – such a merciful thing! How willing you are to mingle your blood with ours! You must desire closeness more than we do. You must have a plan bigger than our plans. We must be very special to you – the evidence is here for all who have eyes to see.

I Saw Venus: A Poem of the Morning Star

This is for the hopeless romantic with a morning star in your eyes!

Morning Star

I saw Venus
the brightest morning star
shining in the sky
a dazzling beacon
rising to new heights

her radiance calling poets
in this month of love
Valentine is smitten
by the lady from above

A Prayer For Peace

On those misty gray days, I offer a prayer for peace.

Prayer for Peace

Dear Lord,
on this misty
rainy morning

I feel so tired,
my eyes want
to close, my thoughts

want to drift away
sinking into oblivious
rest, quiet breaths

letting the world
go by with its
struggles and war

with its hunger
and demands,
with its oppression

and obsession
for more, more,
more, never sated

this angry world
with spittle flying,
launching insults
like missiles.

Gather this world
in Your arms
like a feral cat

softly stroking her raised fur
until her throat relaxes
with a sigh and a purr

and her claws retract,
the arch leaves her back
as her eyes quietly close

a kitten in repose

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