There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: look up

Forget Not

Forget not the beauty of nature!

Forget not the beauty of nature

forget not the beauty of fog
swirling mysteries among
the dew drenched fields

forget not the joy of spring
lest it pass you by 
without lingering

forget not the open sky
as you walk through today
tethered to the earth

look up
look up
look up!

When Dark Clouds Gather

A haiku poem about dark clouds and hidden light.

Dark Clouds Gather

don't be afraid of
the dark clouds that gather nor
the rumors that swirl

the voice of thunder
is making a way to sweep
the darkness away

as the storm marches
through the night take shelter and
know that you are safe

the darkness is not
deep the light rest beneath a
thin layer of gloom

look up! take heart! keep
seeking the light and you will
always be alright


May the New Year find you singing, like the Songbird!

The songbird sings her
song this morn; she does
not know about the
new month, the new year,
she simply sings, for
a new day is here. 

Day After Day

What can we become, day after day? This is what happened to me when I developed a daily walking habit.

What can we become?
I've become the warm sun

Day after day
I've become the warm sun
I've become the blue sky
I've learned how to fly

I've become the blue sky

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