There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: look for the good

Safe Travels (Life’s Journey)

You never know where life’s journey will take you. May you travel safely, filled with courage and hope, and may the songbird light your way.

Life's Journey

the journey is long
shrouded in the unknown
danger lurks in the shadows
and yet a way is being made
it has feathers and wings
and a voice that sings
the path to safety

Look For The Good

When the world seems dark, look for the good. Look for the light.

Look for the Good

I will look for the good
in the creases
of each moment
hidden jewels
waiting to be revealed

Autumn Falls: A Poem of Letting Go

Autumn Falls: A Poem of Letting Go

This is a poetic story of beauty and color – a tale of holding on and letting go.

come with me, you say
pulling me along
come and see, and my 
heart follows willingly
as my lips sing
the sweetest song

what is this place, I ask
as we wander through
an unknown land
filled with giant trees
and flaming leaves
bigger than my hand

this is autumn, you say
with a smile, as we climb
orange branches wrapped
with golden foliage
breathing sun-ripened scents
of pumpkins and spice

let us gather the colors
let us bring them back home
let us brighten our world
let us lighten our load

let us always remember
let us never forget
but when I look at you
I see your face is wet

then we cross the river
of time, but alas 
the colors turn crunchy
and fade like winter grass
why do seasons change so fast
autumn falls, it cannot last

Looking for Beauty and Breezes

A poem for those hot summer morning walks, when the only things worth walking for are beauty and breezes.

Looking for Beauty and Breezes

When the sun hides beneath 
a blanket of clouds
and the muggy air squeezes
the breath from my chest

I look for a breeze
as heat seems to rise from
the cracks of the earth

I don't care what
the calendar says
summer arrived
ages ago

and even though I'm melting
like an ice cream cone
I'll look for the beauty
I know will be found

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