among the gifts and packages the kids and the pets the relatives and friends the reindeer and snowmen among all the places and empty spaces of loved ones missed of cheeks not kissed the fatigue and frustrations of holiday cheer between Merry Christmas and Happy New Year the loneliness that echoes in the chambers of the heart sadness nipping at the heels of joy among all these things it's easy to lose sight of the Child that was born on a dark winter night let your heart be captured by this story of old let the ancient mystery captivate your soul let yourself believe that heroes do exist let yourself conceive that God is in our midst it only takes a moment a slight shift of mind to make a space for the heart to embrace heaven's Child divine
My dear friend, I hope you feel something good this Christmas.
I know there are so many things that keep you from experiencing happiness and joy. It is my wish that you can find a way to look beyond the aches and pains of this world and see, for a moment, the manifestation of glory.
May you have the eyes of a child again, and a heart full of delight.
May your hands hold the wrist, feel the pulse, and touch the heart of Christmas, and find that it is real.
May the Light spread warmth through every part of your soul.
And may you truly know how deeply and sweetly loved you are.
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”