An act of courage?
Throughout my cancer journey, I have been awestruck by the outpouring of love, concern, support, encouragement, and prayers of countless people, many of them strangers. And now that I’ve entered a resting point, away from the harsh chemo, and I am functioning better and thinking more clearly, something profound has occurred to me.
It’s an act of courage to pray for someone else, to breathe hope into words, to send those words out into the heavens, not certain what the outcome will be, never truly sure that you’ve been heard, yet daring to believe the impossible, calling goodness into being, watching and waiting to see what will happen as you go about your daily life.
I want you to know that you’ve given me an amazing gift: your valiant act of faith. I hold this offering close to my heart, wrapped in tissues of hope, and I somehow know with certainty that the divine walks upon this earth through the acts of kindness and love from people like you.