Healing comes gently.

This is for anyone who has ever felt broken-hearted, disappointed, hurt, sad, lost, or grief-stricken.

Healing does come. Maybe not as fast as you’d like, but it will come gently, one moment at a time.

May peace be with you today and every day. You are greatly loved.

Healing of the Heart

He sees these sad
He knows what 
to do
because disappointment
leaves a mark
and sometimes the cut
is deep

I will let Him clean
the wound
I will let Him blow
fresh air
to aid the healing

I will let Him apply the balm
of Gilead
to soothe the spasms
of grief
the sorrow that drags
every loss
into its net to weigh down
my heart

I will let Him cut
the net
and release despair into
the sea
I will let anguish follow
to be caught in the current
washed away