There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: inspirational poetry

Lessons: Keep Going, Keep Moving, Keep Pressing On

A poem for when you need a reminder to keep going.

Lessons: Keep Going, Keep Moving, Keep Pressing On

My schooling continues
deep into summer,
each test is a question,
"Am I an overcomer?"

Life rolls out lesson after lesson
some like a verdant carpet
others quicksand and mud
still others like hardened bitumen.

And I have to remind myself
I'm just passing through
I'm not setting up camp
I'm not moving in
I'm rolling out like the tide.
It's just a wild ride, and it will end.

I'm not a failure
I am graded on a curve
as I learn to navigate
every dip, every swerve.

Every student passes
each of life's classes.
Let us be kind to ourselves
for our schooling is hard
rich in rigor, yet full of reward.

As we learn to deal with
lines and limits
disappointment and despair
loss and gain
let our hope remain.

Let us find strength at our core
when we can't take much more.
Let us find silver and gold in the
dreams that we hold.
Let us bend with the wind as our roots
hold firm.
Let us keep going, keep moving
Let us keep pressing on.

Morning Sings (Haiku)

A morning haiku to brighten your day!

morning haiku

Morning sings a sweet
hello, her melody sweeps
the velvety sky

She captures my heart
with her rising light as she
spreads her song of love

Signs of Spring: A Louisiana Heritage Poem

Do you look for signs of spring? In south Louisiana, the pecan tree is always the last tree to sprout buds. We like to take that as a sure sign that winter has ended, no more freezing temps, it is now safe to plant spring vegetables. Legend has it, when the pecan leaves come out, winter is finally over. But sometimes winter doesn’t give up without a fight – so we hold our breath and root for the pecan tree, rejoicing at the first sign of green, celebrating the strength of spring.

Signs of Spring

The pecan leaves have sprouted,
always the last to emerge.

Legend foretells this is the sign of
spring, the promise that winter is over.

That was before climate change:
all bets are off now.

This morning a powerful north wind
blew, chilling the air

threatening to tear off the tender
tufts of green

shaking the limbs of the steadfast
pecan tree

yet the baby leaves held,
clutching momma's fingers

and momma wouldn't let go;
the green remained

evidence of the strength of spring
in the face of power

proof that winter must finally
blow away

For Every One – Keep Going

This message is for all of us – a reminder to get up each morning and keep going.

For Every One - Keep Going

For every one who walks the line
between beauty and the broken

For every seeker who takes the time
to look for the good in life

For every hunter of lasting treasure
buried beneath the ordinary

For every runner falling short of the 
finish line

For every dashed dream leaving its
stain of disappointment

For every broken heart gathering its
pieces to be sown like seeds of hope

For every warrior who has lost his 

May you stand in the presence of
light today

May you walk in the company of
everlasting joy

May you rise each morning and
begin again

Keep walking, keep moving, keep
going, dear friend

Go Forth and Conquer

This is for everyone fighting a hard battle: may victory come today.

fighting a hard battle: go forth and conquer this day

Add a little sunshine
to chase the shadows away

Throw in a dose of kindness
to keep the monsters at bay

If you want to slay a dragon
begin with the light of day

Fly high the flag of victory
as the nightmare fades away

Let hope take wing and angels sing

Go forth and conquer this day


A poem for all of those longings that seem ready to burst at the beginning of a new year.


They are there
I can feel them quiver
with anticipation
those nameless wants
so tired of being pushed down
pricked like bubbles caught
on thorns
swatted like pesky mosquitoes
that cannot stop buzzing
buried under blankets
locked within a chest
as far from the heart as possible
within the human frame
while attention is splintered
like sawdust and scattered among
a million pressing demands
and hunger is suppressed by
our longings go unfed.

I can hear them singing
those hidden hopes
covered in neglect
the day has come
they'll be silent no more
our dreams are rising
like stars in the night
their light is glowing
a new day is dawning
when our eyes lift upward
and we finally see
they are there, our secret longings
bursting like fireworks
at the first of the year
we see and we hear them
we can make them come true
we can let them run loose
let them fly to the sky
let us follow our dreams
across the new year
let them lead the way
to a glorious new day.

Cracks and Holes: A Poem of Brokenness

This is a reminder that beauty shines through brokenness.

Even in darkness, you are seen. Let your light shine.


The cracks and holes of
the heart illuminate the
beauty of the soul.

To live broken is
to pour fourth light, touching the
darkest night with love.

Rushing to Greet

A poem for those who like to embrace the day!

Embrace the Day

Gloveless hands
numb with cold

hatless head
damp with mist

flushed cheeks
lifting to the sky

eager feet
rushing to greet
the new morning

This Moment: Clouds and Piddling with the Little Things

The Little Things
This Moment

It’s the little things in this moment that make a good life.

Experience this moment
as birds fly high,
so high they seem to touch
the clouds,
their wings skimming
the cottony tufts,

while down below
my neighbor piddles,
the tinkering of tools
drifting above the soft
country music.

Consider this moment
as the sweet scent of hay
drifts across the fields
tickling my nose,
the nicker of horses
delighting my ears,

while a bicyclist
spins past me
with a nod and a smile,
pedals singing as they
whirl and twirl.

It's the little things
in this moment...
seldom acknowledged,
often unnoticed,
or quickly forgotten,

these little things
in this moment
are solid ground,
forming the foundation
of a good life.

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