There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

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Life is Good

A poem for anyone who has ever doubted life is good.

Life is Good

life is good 
I feel the truth of it
anointing my bones
permeating my body
like a fragrance
floating like a banner
in the sky:
it is only when
the flow of life is
challenged or
that it becomes hard
oh that we would keep
within the flow of goodness
all the days of our lives
finding beauty under rocks
strength beneath stones
where life goes
wisdom grows
between thorns and thistles
lacing splendor through splinters
until we become
rivers of life
washing over boulders
cutting through mountains
pouring ourselves into
the roots of the
strongest oaks
emptying ourselves into
the great sea of love
only to be filled
again and again
this is how life is good


Fear Not (photo of gauze over hand)

May this haiku inspire you to fear not.

like a gauze over 
the eyes, fear clouds the vision
unwrap the bandage

clean out the wound, cast
fear into the sea, you shall 
see clearly again

Peace Haiku

Peace Haiku

what if the peace you
crave already resides deep
within your being

it would only be
a matter of plunging the 
depths of your own soul

to see, to reckon
to unplug and draw up all
that is already


Looking For Signs

A poem of looking for signs of resurrection.

Looking for signs of resurrection (photo of rising sun)

don't mind me I'm just
looking for signs of resurrection
little signs that the fallen still rise
thistle puffs that float like ghosts
carrying seeds in their long white hair
a mournful dove calling to her mate
the sun rising through darkened clouds
these bearers of hope wrap their banners
across my heart and stir the sleepy
promises of spring like a memory
just waiting to burst into life

Everything In Life

See everything in life as a gift.

Everything in life is a gift

everything in life
holds the seeds of beauty
ever ready to be scattered and sown
waiting to be cracked wide open
longing to release the essence of wonder

therefore, see everything in your life
as fertile ground
watered by your tears and dreams
ready at any moment
to burst into bloom
to spread like green vines
entwining goodness of every kind
to each of your circumstances

until your life is a thing
of great beauty
and your heart spreads
kindness and love
wherever you go

Safe Travels (Life’s Journey)

You never know where life’s journey will take you. May you travel safely, filled with courage and hope, and may the songbird light your way.

Life's Journey

the journey is long
shrouded in the unknown
danger lurks in the shadows
and yet a way is being made
it has feathers and wings
and a voice that sings
the path to safety

Look For The Good

When the world seems dark, look for the good. Look for the light.

Look for the Good

I will look for the good
in the creases
of each moment
hidden jewels
waiting to be revealed

Some Days

Some days are just harder than others. This is normal. Keep going.

Some Days

some days
you must walk
through mud
under skies
of gray

let nothing 
in your way

Look for the Good

Sometime you have to look for the good in life.

Look for the Good

look for the beauty 
that nourishes your soul

feel the grace of love
that a good life holds

drink the morning air
let it lift you high

bring comfort to your neighbor
then spread your wings and fly

Looking for Beauty and Breezes

A poem for those hot summer morning walks, when the only things worth walking for are beauty and breezes.

Looking for Beauty and Breezes

When the sun hides beneath 
a blanket of clouds
and the muggy air squeezes
the breath from my chest

I look for a breeze
as heat seems to rise from
the cracks of the earth

I don't care what
the calendar says
summer arrived
ages ago

and even though I'm melting
like an ice cream cone
I'll look for the beauty
I know will be found

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