There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: haiku poetry


Fear Not (photo of gauze over hand)

May this haiku inspire you to fear not.

like a gauze over 
the eyes, fear clouds the vision
unwrap the bandage

clean out the wound, cast
fear into the sea, you shall 
see clearly again

Being Haiku

Being Haiku

This is a haiku poem about being-ness.

some days we simply
exist - as the minutes tick
we touch "being-ness"

Treasure Haiku (The Journey Ahead)

For all who are willing to embark on the journey ahead – may you always bring back treasure.

Treasure Haiku - The Journey Ahead

you will be given
instructions for the journey
ahead - in due time

you will be given
a list of supplies - most you
already possess

fully equipped, you
will walk into the unknown
and bring back treasure

Morning Sings (Haiku)

A morning haiku to brighten your day!

morning haiku

Morning sings a sweet
hello, her melody sweeps
the velvety sky

She captures my heart
with her rising light as she
spreads her song of love

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