May this haiku inspire you to fear not.
like a gauze over the eyes, fear clouds the vision unwrap the bandage clean out the wound, cast fear into the sea, you shall see clearly again
what if the peace you crave already resides deep within your being it would only be a matter of plunging the depths of your own soul to see, to reckon to unplug and draw up all that is already yours
Haiku poem all about light.
one small glow can chase away shadows, a string of lights can bring much cheer therefore carry your lamp in the palm of your hand bless the world with light
Something is broken.
Today is Wednesday, the last week of school for our local children. I can’t stop thinking of the children and families of Uvalde, Texas.
Something is broken and we keep standing in it, cutting our feet, watching it repeat, our own blood staining the very hands that mother our children.
We are all broken.
Lord, hear our prayers.
This is a reminder that beauty shines through brokenness.
Even in darkness, you are seen. Let your light shine.
The cracks and holes of the heart illuminate the beauty of the soul. To live broken is to pour fourth light, touching the darkest night with love.
A cold wind swept through last night...we awakened to angel wings flying through clouds, embracing a gloriously blue sky. Our hearts soar with them all day long, and we carry their wings in our chests. Exhilaration!
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