There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: grief

You Are With Me – A Memorial Poem

For all who are grieving on this Memorial Day Weekend:

May these words bring you comfort. May you know you are not alone.

You Are With Me - A Memorial Poem

You are in
the smallest lepton

You extend
beyond the ozone

You are in 
the sparkling dew drop

You extend
to snowy mountaintop

from greatest to small
you are in it all

from sky to land
I see your mighty hand

from sand to sea
you'll always be with me

from the lion to the dove
you always send your love

in the roaring, in the song
I know that I belong

in the whispers of my heart
we'll never be apart

not death, nor life
nothing can sever

the ties that bind
you are with me



Broken Haiku – Lamenting Uvalde

Something Is Broken

Broken Haiku

Something is broken.

Today is Wednesday, the last week of school for our local children. I can’t stop thinking of the children and families of Uvalde, Texas.

Something is broken and we keep standing in it, cutting our feet, watching it repeat, our own blood staining the very hands that mother our children.

We are all broken.

Lord, hear our prayers.

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