How To Mow When It Rains Every Day (or The Never Ending Summer Battle To Mow The Lawn Before It Rains)

Cutting Grass – How To Mow When It Rains Every Day is especially for nature lovers who enjoy poems about the adventures of man against nature!
I step outside to smell the grass freshly cut sweetly fragrant. Lawnmowers growl and prowl the neighborhood trimming whopping chopping blade upon blade ferociously devouring the luscious carpet before the next rain. We are in a wet season punctuated by glaring bursts of sun relentless heat driving an overgrowth of green backyards turning into fields of wildness heavy cutting equipment bogging in the saturated earth. Today the ground is firm enough to withstand the mowers. The clouds are withholding raindrops, like mothers gathering their young for one more embrace one last kiss before opening the gates to let them run free raining joyously in a summer frenzy. "Hurry, hurry," coax the tractor cowboys, urging their machines onward for one last round as the dust kicks up and the trees laugh and sway and the clouds clap with thunder cheering their children in wonder. The riders dismount shoulders slump in defeat. Engines fall silent as rain drums a beat. The raindrop children have come out to play. The man-made machines are done for the day.