How do you deal with sadness?

How to deal with sadness

sometimes sadness
rises through the walls
of my chest

I thought I had
packed her 
safely away
for another day

but she unfolds
herself and she
gets her way

flooding memories
of all that was lost
streaming images
of bridges crossed

I see sadness
running like rivers
through mountains

sadness rushing
like wild horses
through valleys

sadness flowing
over rocks
and glass

sadness seeping
through mud
and sand

sadness dripping
through rain
and pain

sadness slipping
through cracks
and splinters

sadness melting
like a thousand

the ceaseless movement
through the walls
of my chest

cannot be folded
and packed away
cannot be ignored
another day

her music has a name
this mournful melody
wants to be acknowledged
so she can be set free

so I listen to her song
and I call it by name
Melancholy, I say
and I watch her transform

she's a thing with feathers
rising from the ash
and she gently flies away

it's a new day