There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: encouragement

Conquer Monday

For when you need motivation on Monday, or any day.

Motivation on Monday



conquer Monday

Encouragement For Work – You Can Do This

Encouragement for work

Encouragement for Work - You Can Do This

the shortest week
is the hardest week

every day
feels like 

but you are
than your
work days

you are bigger

than any problem
task list

you are 
the head
not the tail

you are
not beneath

anything that
life throws
at you

In Search of Spring

You suddenly blew in
with a thunderous wind
just as the blossoms
were starting to bloom,
just as the darkness
was giving me room
to breathe and to feel
the absence of gloom,
here you come again
with your icy wind
that closes me inside
and makes me want to hide
where no one can get in.

But look, I see the days
expand and lengthen long,
oh, yes, I hear the birds
they sing a springlike song.
Your blustery winds
are fading away,
the sun with its warmth
is coming to play,
one of these days
Spring is coming to say,
"Welcome! I am here."

Beauty Grows

If you’re looking for uplifting messages, encouraging words, and inspirational poetry, you’ve come to the right place.  

Hi, I’m Karen Hessler, a poet and writer from south Louisiana. I live a quiet life surrounded by the beauty of nature. This beauty has helped me keep my spirits up during these long days of the COVID-19 pandemic, and through the terrible tragedies happening almost daily, locally as well as nationally and globally. 

 There is healing power in the beauty of nature. I call it “God’s art.” And guess what? You don’t have to go far to find this beauty. It is as close as your own backyard! 

Look up, what do you see? Just notice…a blue sky is always nice, but storm clouds contain their own form of beauty. Shape shifting clouds are works of art. Look down, what is there? A blade of grass, a wild flower, a chunk of dirt, all part of the earth…a leaf, a bug, maybe a feather or a four-leaf clover. 

What do you hear? Birds singing? Dogs barking? Maybe people talking, horns blowing, hammers pounding. Just notice. 

Your perception of beauty will grow. Your ability to see beauty will expand. Your noticing skills will increase. 

Suddenly you will see beauty everywhere. The ordinary will become extraordinary. The simple becomes profound. 

And YOU will change. Your heart will expand. When you begin noticing and appreciating the beauty all around, you will grow… because BEAUTY GROWS. And you ARE beauty. 


Keep blooming, my friend. 

God bless you. ❤️

There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

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