There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: darkness and light

When Dark Clouds Gather

A haiku poem about dark clouds and hidden light.

Dark Clouds Gather

don't be afraid of
the dark clouds that gather nor
the rumors that swirl

the voice of thunder
is making a way to sweep
the darkness away

as the storm marches
through the night take shelter and
know that you are safe

the darkness is not
deep the light rest beneath a
thin layer of gloom

look up! take heart! keep
seeking the light and you will
always be alright

The Beauty of Light

Haiku poem all about light.


one small glow can chase
away shadows, a string of
lights can bring much cheer

therefore carry your
lamp in the palm of your hand
bless the world with light

Winter Song

A poem of the power of song.

Winter Song

once there was a girl
who sang to the night sky
and her song hung the moon
then the stars began to fall
softly, like snowflakes
into Winter's waiting hand

the earth plunged
into darkness
and the only light was
the melody that
carried the moon away

and on the darkest night
the people sang
and lit candles
across the world

Winter could not extinguish
their brightness, so
in a fit of rage
he flung the stars into the sea
where the melody carried them

up, up, up to the sky
and once again, the song
swung the moon
until Winter blew away

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