There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: courage

Girls With Swords

A poem especially for all who battle breast cancer: may we fight the good fight and win like girls with swords.

Girls With Swords

I once was a girl who
could look fear in the eye
and cut through its power
with the tip of my sword

I once was a lark who
could sing away sadness
the moment the mournful
dove knocked at my door

I once was an eagle
magnificent and wise
who could fly above trouble
who could pick apart lies

will I ever see that girl again
will I ever win this battle
set before me now when
suddenly I don't know how

oh, let the wings of the
eagle lift me up high
let the song of the lark
lift my heart to the sky

let the girl with the sword
fight this battle in me
let me win, let me win!
let me finally be free

Safe Travels (Life’s Journey)

You never know where life’s journey will take you. May you travel safely, filled with courage and hope, and may the songbird light your way.

Life's Journey

the journey is long
shrouded in the unknown
danger lurks in the shadows
and yet a way is being made
it has feathers and wings
and a voice that sings
the path to safety

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