There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: blessings

Turning Sorrow Into Joy: A Flow of Praises

May we lift our hearts in an outpouring of joyful praises!

A flow of praises

A new day is here! This is no longer a time of hard things, struggles, and darkness. This is no longer a “sacrifice” of praise in the midst of troubles. God has turned our mourning into joy. Praise now flows through our lips easily, like the promises of God – full and fat, and always answering Yes! Yes! Yes!

This is abundance. This is the work of God. This is the way life is GOOD. Sing to the Lord, bless His name, announce His salvation day after day. His mercies are new every morning. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

Oh, what an honor to see the mighty works of the Lord! The undeserved favor and blessings, the marvelous gifts, the righteous deeds, the depth and height, the length and width of His never ending love for us. What a blessing to see God at work, catching a glimpse of what He does within His own creation. He does special things for us because HE CAN! He is God, He is willing, He wants to, and He loves us.

Oh, Lord, we are overwhelmed with Your greatness! Who are we that You would even bother with us? But Your love comes through, it cannot be held back. Your love comes to the most wretched of us, to those in despair. It lifts us out of the pit, cleans us up, and gives us a crown, not of thorns but of glory, the glory we have in Christ! Your love brings us into Your own glory! What a mystery for the books of the ages!

Lift your horn, oh people of God. Tell the world the Spirit is moving again and again! Hallelujah!

My Advent Prayer

In the days leading up to Christmas, and through the weeks of winter’s darkness, I offer you an Advent prayer. May the light gently find you right where you are.

Advent Prayer

Lord, I lift my face
to let you find me

let me be

to this Advent
to the blessings
to the grace
to the possibility

of the light
that comes

You are
the light
that finds me

God is with us

Mountain of Blessings

Hidden Blessings

May your eyes and heart be open to the hidden blessings that are ripe for receiving.

how many blessings
are richly scattered
across a day in the life
of a single soul

how many times are blessings
multiplied from person to person
across many days
blessings ripe and bursting

a cornucopia of goodness
spilling into hearts and lives
blessing mostly unnoticed

we are people unaccustomed
to the face of kindness
the embodiment of good
walks the earth unrecognized

and the gifts fall softly
through the hands of time
waiting for someone to look
over their shoulder

and gasp, astonished at
the mountains of treasure
sparkling in radiance
just waiting to be received

A Writer’s Prayer

A Writer's Prayer

From the longings of my heart comes this writer’s prayer – my prayer to bless you.


I long to have beautiful words spill from my hands, blessing all who read them. Words that flow like music and colors. Words that shine with loveliness and light. I long for a river of beauty to stream forth from my soul. 

Can heavenly beauty pour down into the mudholes of earthly life? I believe it can! Maybe all it takes is a willingness to receive. Lord, may I be willing.

I want to be willing to carry words and release them to the world, like healing balm. I want to embrace the call to write, and I want to write the call of beauty - the healing power in the beauty of nature. 

Lord, you make it easy for us to receive your love. May the words I write make it easy for all who receive them, whether it be in nature or in the grittiness of daily life; whether it be in celebration or in suffering. Lord, let beautiful words fall from my lips onto the page, sealed with a kiss of love and adoration for you. 

Let me live and move and have my being in you, in the secret place, in your presence where no enemy can withstand. Let the words come, Lord - words of peace and promise, words of hope and expectation, words that bring life and words that come true, words that paint the colors of goodness in all its living glory.

May it be so.


Today is a good day to give thanks. I am thankful for YOU, dear reader! Wishing you a bit of stillness, and the blessings of gratitude, today and every day.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Give Thanks

there's a stillness this morning
the sparrows are hushed
as if waiting for humanity
to arise in thanksgiving

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