There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: blessing

Coat of Arms: A Blessing of the Word

A poem, prayer, and blessing.

In the beginning was the Word

and the Word was with God

and the Word was God

John 1:1
Coat of Arms: A Blessing of the Word

And the Word put on
a Coat of Skin
and became flesh
and lived and walked
and talked among us
and we saw the
face of God

And the Shepherd put on
the Coat of a Lamb
and was led to slaughter
in our place
and we saw the
depth of God

And the Son of God
put on a Coat of Death
and went down into the grave
and we saw the mysteries of
the Holy of Holies

And the spotless Lamb
put on a Kingly Robe
and He rose from death
and we saw the
wisdom and power
the glory and salvation
the redemptive majesty
of the Most High God
Who lives and reigns
forever and ever.

A Blessing of the Word:

May we be filled with the hope of the living God. May we walk in the beauty of His promises. May we grow in His love, and be comforted by His words. And may we remain in His Presence all the days of our lives. Amen!

Loosening – Poem of Letting Go

May your troubles be loosened today, dear friend – may you find yourself letting go. May you be filled with grace to finish your race. May blessings arrive each morning.

Loosening - A Poem of Letting Go

something is loosening the laces
of all that was tightly held

white knuckles
clinched fist
rigid wrist

something's emerging
from the deep

could it be courage
untying the knots?

fingers uncurl
hope begins to swirl

something sweeps
through bones and veins

washing away
aches and pains

with outstretched arm
grace takes my hand

things tightly held
fall to the land

covered by dirt
nourished by soil
no need to work

no strife
no sweat
no toil

troubles now are planted
in the ground of grace

where goodness knows
how beauty grows

alive in love's embrace

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