There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: beloved

Fools Rush In (A Heavenly Love Story)

Fools Rush In

At the fall of man, the Prince of Peace stepped forward with sword and buckler, like a mighty man of valor, rushing to defend God’s beloved people.

“I volunteer as tribute,” declared He, and though it has been said only fools rush in, He left His heavenly kingdom, and gave His life as ransom for the flawed and fragile earthlings who didn’t even know Him.

Shock waves rolled through the heavens as angels shook in wonder, pondering the meaning of this. What kind of creatures could be worthy of such divine favor?

As if in answer, the Son of God rode through eternity in a chariot of fire, with lightning flashing through His hands, His voice thundering throughout the universe, singing, “I can’t help falling in love with you.”

How Do You See Yourself?

How Do You See Yourself

see yourself a swan
a creature of beauty
and grace, a dancer
a diver, a dreamer
a glider, a soft
feathered friend
a winged catcher
of the wind
a seeker, a swimmer
an elegant shimmer
see yourself a treasure
more precious than jewels
lovely, beloved
bearer of good news
a welcome companion
with the warmest heart
see yourself a masterpiece
a stunning work of art
see yourself through
soft eyes, a forgiving lens
that swirls and blends
all the tiny imperfections
into shimmering reflections
see yourself in a dream
come true
living the life that was
meant for you

How do you see yourself, my friend? I hope you know how truly loved you are.


Live as if you are already beautiful, and so shall you be.

karen hessler


Tuck these words into your heart today, then go out and light up your world.

Mountain of Blessings

Hidden Blessings

May your eyes and heart be open to the hidden blessings that are ripe for receiving.

how many blessings
are richly scattered
across a day in the life
of a single soul

how many times are blessings
multiplied from person to person
across many days
blessings ripe and bursting

a cornucopia of goodness
spilling into hearts and lives
blessing mostly unnoticed

we are people unaccustomed
to the face of kindness
the embodiment of good
walks the earth unrecognized

and the gifts fall softly
through the hands of time
waiting for someone to look
over their shoulder

and gasp, astonished at
the mountains of treasure
sparkling in radiance
just waiting to be received

A Tribute to My Cousin

A Tribute to My Cousin

This is my cousin Cindy.

When my sisters and I were little, my cousin Cindy took us to the movie theater to see Snow White. It was the first time we ever went to the “show” and we loved it.

When I started kindergarten I was scared to ride the school bus, but my cousin Cindy was in high school and she let me sit with her on the bus, surrounded by her friends. I rode with the “big girls” and I wasn’t scared anymore.

She had a guinea pig and a big fluffy cat, and her bed was covered with so many stuffed animals, I don’t know where she slept. She was a dancer with beautiful costumes, and I wanted to be a ballerina too.

She grew up and moved away, and I didn’t see her much after that. I grew up too. I grew tall, and I passed her in height, but I still looked up to my big cousin. She called me “little one” and I loved that name – It made me feel so loved.

I will always remember her this way, with her long hair and her ballet shoes, my beautiful cousin who now dances with the angels in the presence of glory. I know I will see her again one day, and if I’m scared, I know she’ll save me a seat on the bus so I won’t have to ride alone.

Valentine’s Day: Feel the Love

Every day is Valentine’s Day if only we have eyes to see. May you feel the love, spread the love, and be the love, my beloved friends!

feel the love, spread the love, be the love

You love me in the sounds
of the morning
in the heartbeat of the 
awakening world.

You love me with the frost
on the rooftops
sparkling like diamonds
and the dusting of white
glistening across the lawns.

You love me in the flight
of the silver-white
bird, gracefully making
her way to the pond.

You love me in the crowing
of the roosters, the chirping
of small birds, the yapping
of little dogs - these are the
voices of your love.

You love me in the greeting
of the neighbor, the rumbling
of the school bus, in the normal
everyday work-and-play slice
of modern life.

You love me every day
in little ways, let me have eyes
to see, let me have a heart
to receive your never-ending
love for me.

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