There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: beauty is everywhere

Looking for Beauty and Breezes

A poem for those hot summer morning walks, when the only things worth walking for are beauty and breezes.

Looking for Beauty and Breezes

When the sun hides beneath 
a blanket of clouds
and the muggy air squeezes
the breath from my chest

I look for a breeze
as heat seems to rise from
the cracks of the earth

I don't care what
the calendar says
summer arrived
ages ago

and even though I'm melting
like an ice cream cone
I'll look for the beauty
I know will be found

Beauty Grows Here

A Poem About Alternate Routes, Back Roads, and Unexpected Treasure

Beauty Grows Here - Unexpected Treasure
Beauty Grows Here

Beauty grows in the ordinary, yes, but beauty also grows in unexpected places. This poem is for all of us, stuck in the traffic of life, needing to reroute. There are surprises off the beaten path!

We were stuck in traffic
on the interstate,
hours away from home,

inch by inch we crawled,
minutes ticked into an hour,
until finally we were able
to exit and take
an alternate route,

driving along unfamiliar
back roads, through small
towns with crumbling
buildings, collapsed structures
that reeked of neglect
and poverty...

and then we made a pit stop,
a shabby gas station
in a broken down town
we found treasure
not made of gold.

The employees were light
in a gloomy space.
They laughed and bantered
and welcomed.

The cashier smiled
warmly at us,
an unforced rhythm
of grace.

She exuded life.

It floated from
her pores
and touched everything,
everyone around her,

lifting spirits,
relaxing shoulders,
coaxing smiles.

Flowers grow from
cracks in cement.
Colorful blossoms dance
along roadside ditches,

and beauty grows
in backroad gas stations,
where light shines like
a beacon of hope.

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