There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Tag: autumn poetry

Mountain of Blessings

Hidden Blessings

May your eyes and heart be open to the hidden blessings that are ripe for receiving.

how many blessings
are richly scattered
across a day in the life
of a single soul

how many times are blessings
multiplied from person to person
across many days
blessings ripe and bursting

a cornucopia of goodness
spilling into hearts and lives
blessing mostly unnoticed

we are people unaccustomed
to the face of kindness
the embodiment of good
walks the earth unrecognized

and the gifts fall softly
through the hands of time
waiting for someone to look
over their shoulder

and gasp, astonished at
the mountains of treasure
sparkling in radiance
just waiting to be received

Me and My Dog

Me and my dog

This is a poem about me and my dog, and the art of slow living.

me and my dog
we sit
we sit
with our faces
in the wind
eyes closed
hearts open

me and my dog
we watch
we watch
birds flying
leaves falling
grass dying
geese calling

me and my dog
we listen 
we listen
to the heartbeat
in the earth
the hoofbeats
of mighty beasts

racing across time
wild horses running
at breakneck speed
leaving us behind
but we don't need
that kind of rush, no
not me and my dog

Louisiana Leaves: A Louisiana Heritage Poem

The brown leaves of my Louisiana heritage

This is a poem about the brown leaves and blue skies of autumn in Acadiana, my Louisiana heritage – a poem about leaving and coming back home. May you always carry home in your heart!


one day I will leave
these bayous and cypress trees
oaks and magnolias
and pastures of green
bearded moss hanging
swaying in the breeze
horses and cows grazing
will they notice when I leave?

one day I'll drive northward
to see colorful leaves
bursting in autumn
from unfamiliar trees
such beauty I've never
had the pleasure to hold
such glory is priceless
or so I am told

when I eat the fruit
of that golden root
when I've had my fill
of the northern thrill
I'll turn back toward home
where I know I belong

for there is nothing quite like
those blue southern skies
the familiar warm welcome
and a feast for the eyes
my people are waiting
they're calling my name

the north holds much beauty
but it's just not the same
wherever I go
however I roam
deep within me I know
there is no place like home

The blue skies of my Louisiana heritage

Autumn Falls: A Poem of Letting Go

Autumn Falls: A Poem of Letting Go

This is a poetic story of beauty and color – a tale of holding on and letting go.

come with me, you say
pulling me along
come and see, and my 
heart follows willingly
as my lips sing
the sweetest song

what is this place, I ask
as we wander through
an unknown land
filled with giant trees
and flaming leaves
bigger than my hand

this is autumn, you say
with a smile, as we climb
orange branches wrapped
with golden foliage
breathing sun-ripened scents
of pumpkins and spice

let us gather the colors
let us bring them back home
let us brighten our world
let us lighten our load

let us always remember
let us never forget
but when I look at you
I see your face is wet

then we cross the river
of time, but alas 
the colors turn crunchy
and fade like winter grass
why do seasons change so fast
autumn falls, it cannot last

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