There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Treasure Haiku (The Journey Ahead)

For all who are willing to embark on the journey ahead – may you always bring back treasure.

Treasure Haiku - The Journey Ahead

you will be given
instructions for the journey
ahead - in due time

you will be given
a list of supplies - most you
already possess

fully equipped, you
will walk into the unknown
and bring back treasure

Bird Show

Bird Show

I see circling
of the birds,
gliding and swooping
chasing and racing

trilling and thrilling,
talking smack
with each hard flap.

Musical fellows are these
winged creatures,
and masterful linguists.

They put on a show
that delights
and confounds.

Then they line up on
a wire to catch their
breath, take a humble 
bow, and in a blink

they are gone,
with a flutter
and a flap
as we wave
and we clap,

calling for more.

But they all fly away.
Show's over for today.

Everything In Life

See everything in life as a gift.

Everything in life is a gift

everything in life
holds the seeds of beauty
ever ready to be scattered and sown
waiting to be cracked wide open
longing to release the essence of wonder

therefore, see everything in your life
as fertile ground
watered by your tears and dreams
ready at any moment
to burst into bloom
to spread like green vines
entwining goodness of every kind
to each of your circumstances

until your life is a thing
of great beauty
and your heart spreads
kindness and love
wherever you go

Chemo – Round Two

This is for anyone who has to do hard things (like chemo – or just life). May you have the courage to just show up.

Chemo - Round Two

I don't want to go
I don't want to go back
I don't want to go back there
I don't want to go back there ever
I don't want to go back there ever again

Lord, give me the strength to just show up.

Of course, I showed up. How could I not? My life depends on it.

In December 2022, I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. I am currently undergoing chemotherapy. I invite you to sign up for my monthly newsletter to follow my cancer journey.

Click HERE to follow my cancer journey.

Winter’s Grace

A poem of hibernation and the offering of winter’s grace.

Winter's Grace

the moon waits for me
at sunrise
slowly melting into the sky
each morning I don't walk by

the oak holds steady
around the corner
thick arms open wide
patiently she waits
for the next embrace

the fields hold their breath
listening for my footfall
the birds whistle and chirp
my name is in their call

but my door remains
closed to the world
the sun climbs high
without seeing my face

and like a flower that doesn't
bloom until springtime
I am offered winter's grace

In the Palm of Your Hand

You speak to me
through the blades
of grass

with sparkling dewdrops
like tiny tears
holding my sadness

in the palm of your
hand, absorbing
the sorrow

in the breast of your
broken heart
a heart that cries

rivers of tears
and you wash away
the sadness

with the waters
of your love, holding me
in the palm of your hand

there is healing in your
touch as you bring me
back to life

and you set me on high
and you let me
live again

in the palm of your hand

Medical Diagnosis

This is especially for everyone grappling with a new medical diagnosis, and for all who love and care for them.

Medical Diagnosis

it's a new language
I'm learning to speak
these medical words
in this medical world
with these medical people

they stick in my throat
these unfamiliar terms
these foreign ideas
that I don't want to speak

these words should remain
locked in closets or shoved
deep under the bed
these awful words I dread

but speak them I must
and face them head on
there's no cure in hiding
wishing they were gone

no, I'm not fluent
in this new language
I retain only
what I need to know
and the words still stick

in my throat

Fools Rush In (A Heavenly Love Story)

Fools Rush In

At the fall of man, the Prince of Peace stepped forward with sword and buckler, like a mighty man of valor, rushing to defend God’s beloved people.

“I volunteer as tribute,” declared He, and though it has been said only fools rush in, He left His heavenly kingdom, and gave His life as ransom for the flawed and fragile earthlings who didn’t even know Him.

Shock waves rolled through the heavens as angels shook in wonder, pondering the meaning of this. What kind of creatures could be worthy of such divine favor?

As if in answer, the Son of God rode through eternity in a chariot of fire, with lightning flashing through His hands, His voice thundering throughout the universe, singing, “I can’t help falling in love with you.”

Safe Travels (Life’s Journey)

You never know where life’s journey will take you. May you travel safely, filled with courage and hope, and may the songbird light your way.

Life's Journey

the journey is long
shrouded in the unknown
danger lurks in the shadows
and yet a way is being made
it has feathers and wings
and a voice that sings
the path to safety

Look For The Good

When the world seems dark, look for the good. Look for the light.

Look for the Good

I will look for the good
in the creases
of each moment
hidden jewels
waiting to be revealed

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