There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

Acorns and Pecans: Autumn in Acadiana

A Louisiana Heritage Poem

Autumn in Acadiana

Ah, yes, autumn in Acadiana. I love the beauty of nature, especially during the change of seasons in my home state of Louisiana.

Ancient oaks and shady pecan groves produce falling treasures of acorns and pecans.

Childhood memories abound, spirits soar, and hope is harvested like cotton.

Welcome to the season of Fall in the heart of Acadiana!

Leaves are not the only
things that Fall
in Acadiana

temperatures fall
in the nighttime
humidity levels fall
in the daytime

our weather see-saws
up and down
skies are clear, then rain falls
hot to cool, and maybe
a few hours of cold
if we are lucky

acorns and pecans
grace the ground
crops fall at harvest
corn and sugar cane
soybeans and sweet potatoes

darkness falls early
footsteps fall softly
feathers fall from the sky
as flocks pass through
on their southerly exodus

time falls swiftly
swirling us across the calendar
falling into winter
falling toward the end
of another year

and we fall to our knees
as the world falls apart
see-sawing again
from sorrow to joy

working to repair what we can
seeking beauty and love
remembering the fallen
honoring the circle of life

always believing
it is falling into place
always receiving
a covering of grace

Conquer Monday

For when you need motivation on Monday, or any day.

Motivation on Monday



conquer Monday

Even If…A Love Poem of Hope

For the days when you feel surrounded by the darkness of the world, here is a love poem of hope to brighten your day.

Love Poem of Hope
Even if the stars fall
from the sky
and wither like grass
their twinkly light gone
broken like glass

Even if the moon falls
into the sea
and the sun runs away
and the sky is dark
every moment, every day

Love will still shine
in a world
where twinkly stars fall
Love will light the way
because Love conquers all

The Grayness of These Days: A World In Sadness

This is a poem about the heaviness of world issues, the weight of the world’s problems, and a world in sadness. Feel what you feel, ask hard questions, and keep going.

The Grayness of These Days: A World In Sadness
Sadness has swallowed
my words and clouded
my vision.
My world feels gray 
and wet
colorless and drippy
like a runny nose.

We all feel it.
The whole world is under
a dark cloud these days.
Sadness seeps deep
into the cracks
of every city,
rolls into the folds
of the rural landscapes.

How long must we sit
in heaviness
oppressed and distressed
the feathers of hope
in the gray?

If we reach out
hands stretched blindly
sweeping back and forth
as we plod through the mist,
would we touch
the hidden glory?

Could we bump into
solid rocks and cling
to them awhile?
Can we find
each other in darkness?
Maybe we can breathe in
bits of joy.

Would we feel
the healing balm,
the oil of gladness
in the middle of all
the smoke and mirrors?

What would make
everything right again?

Into The Presence of God

Into the presence of God

Life has a way of bringing us into the presence of God.

May you run into His arms at the first sight of trouble.

Encouragement For Work – You Can Do This

Encouragement for work

Encouragement for Work - You Can Do This

the shortest week
is the hardest week

every day
feels like 

but you are
than your
work days

you are bigger

than any problem
task list

you are 
the head
not the tail

you are
not beneath

anything that
life throws
at you

Summer Storm – A “Lift You Up” Poem

May this poem lift you up and allow you to find beauty and perspective in every storm.

Lift You Up

Oh, the beauty
the power
the majesty
in the arms
of a summer storm!
Let it lift you high
above yourself
let it show you
larger than life
let it give you
the joy of seeing
Let it change you
rearrange you
broaden your
let it recharge you
refresh you
and finally
let it bless you
as it sets you
down to earth.

Summer Storm

Morning Interrupted – An Inspirational Poem

The train whistle is sharp,
piercing the morning ritual
of the awakening world,

drowning the greetings
of birds, overpowering
the sleepy sun. Yet, within

minutes it is over, this harsh
interlude imposed on
morning's grace. The whistle

fades, the rumblings and
churnings gradually quiet,
the earth settles, the stillness

returns. Birdsong rises in beauty,
even lovelier than before,
made perfect in the wake

of human's roar. Our passing
through is brief, but our days
are renewed each morning.

Inspirational Poem

Untie The NOTs: Not Enough

Untie The NOTs: "Not Enough" -  a poem for when you struggle with everything you think you are not

“Not Enough” – this poem is for all the times you struggle with everything you think you are NOT.

There's a big ball
of NOTs
in my chest

a tangled list
of all that
I am NOT

but when I
the NOTs

to the great

He shows me
all that I am
in Him

"And those who know Your Name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You."    
 ~ Psalm 9:10 ESV

Beauty Grows Here

A Poem About Alternate Routes, Back Roads, and Unexpected Treasure

Beauty Grows Here - Unexpected Treasure
Beauty Grows Here

Beauty grows in the ordinary, yes, but beauty also grows in unexpected places. This poem is for all of us, stuck in the traffic of life, needing to reroute. There are surprises off the beaten path!

We were stuck in traffic
on the interstate,
hours away from home,

inch by inch we crawled,
minutes ticked into an hour,
until finally we were able
to exit and take
an alternate route,

driving along unfamiliar
back roads, through small
towns with crumbling
buildings, collapsed structures
that reeked of neglect
and poverty...

and then we made a pit stop,
a shabby gas station
in a broken down town
we found treasure
not made of gold.

The employees were light
in a gloomy space.
They laughed and bantered
and welcomed.

The cashier smiled
warmly at us,
an unforced rhythm
of grace.

She exuded life.

It floated from
her pores
and touched everything,
everyone around her,

lifting spirits,
relaxing shoulders,
coaxing smiles.

Flowers grow from
cracks in cement.
Colorful blossoms dance
along roadside ditches,

and beauty grows
in backroad gas stations,
where light shines like
a beacon of hope.

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