We Still Have Goodness To Offer


This is for all of us who have to live with personal limitations, who have to say no to so many things due to the way we are made, who can’t change our fingerprints but still have the urge to try, and who feel bad when we can’t keep up with others.

May we remember we still have goodness to offer in this life.


sometimes I have to disappoint 

but there is none more disappointed 
than I am in myself

I'm weary of all these flaws and
weaknesses that stick like glue

these anxieties and limits that
cannot be overcome

every "no" is soaked in sorrow, rued
in regret

my past is littered with failed
attempts to be something I'm not

acceptance has a hefty price

it costs me the belief that if only I try
harder, I will win

is it the world who demands too
much, or am I the one at fault?

I can tell of all the things I am not,
but I don't know who or what I am

oh, give me strength for daily living

let me find gifts for loving and giving

let my "no" and my limits fall softly
without hurting the ones I love

let me live according to design

and have the courage to say it's

it's enough to be myself