There is healing power in the beauty of nature.

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Life is Good

A poem for anyone who has ever doubted life is good.

Life is Good

life is good 
I feel the truth of it
anointing my bones
permeating my body
like a fragrance
floating like a banner
in the sky:
it is only when
the flow of life is
challenged or
that it becomes hard
oh that we would keep
within the flow of goodness
all the days of our lives
finding beauty under rocks
strength beneath stones
where life goes
wisdom grows
between thorns and thistles
lacing splendor through splinters
until we become
rivers of life
washing over boulders
cutting through mountains
pouring ourselves into
the roots of the
strongest oaks
emptying ourselves into
the great sea of love
only to be filled
again and again
this is how life is good


the whole of it
is too much to bear
the weight of it
crushing the trachea
the stone of it
too large to swallow
the jagged pieces
sharp and undigestible
so the story is ground
into fine powder
the dust of it sprinkled
over every meal
until the knowledge of
its truth takes root
within our being
ready to be measured
wisdom against deception
but instead of answers
a garden grows
a sanctuary of beauty
and color
a place of warmth
and life
a table of joy
and honey
the promise of hope
and a future


Fear Not (photo of gauze over hand)

May this haiku inspire you to fear not.

like a gauze over 
the eyes, fear clouds the vision
unwrap the bandage

clean out the wound, cast
fear into the sea, you shall 
see clearly again

Peace Haiku

Peace Haiku

what if the peace you
crave already resides deep
within your being

it would only be
a matter of plunging the 
depths of your own soul

to see, to reckon
to unplug and draw up all
that is already


Forget Not

Forget not the beauty of nature!

Forget not the beauty of nature

forget not the beauty of fog
swirling mysteries among
the dew drenched fields

forget not the joy of spring
lest it pass you by 
without lingering

forget not the open sky
as you walk through today
tethered to the earth

look up
look up
look up!

Love Is Always Young

A micro story in verse for all who believe in romance – love is always young!

Photo of Karen and Rick Hessler - love is always young

we sat beneath a pine tree
our backs resting against bark
hands sticky with sap
we were full of big ideas
bursting with the vigor of youth
we picked pinecones and
we planted seeds for our future
perennials to renew every spring
we whispered secrets and
we laughed when raindrops fell
watering our dreams
we followed breadcrumbs into the
unknown and called it adventure
we knew that love would light the way

Girls With Swords

A poem especially for all who battle breast cancer: may we fight the good fight and win like girls with swords.

Girls With Swords

I once was a girl who
could look fear in the eye
and cut through its power
with the tip of my sword

I once was a lark who
could sing away sadness
the moment the mournful
dove knocked at my door

I once was an eagle
magnificent and wise
who could fly above trouble
who could pick apart lies

will I ever see that girl again
will I ever win this battle
set before me now when
suddenly I don't know how

oh, let the wings of the
eagle lift me up high
let the song of the lark
lift my heart to the sky

let the girl with the sword
fight this battle in me
let me win, let me win!
let me finally be free

Looking For Signs

A poem of looking for signs of resurrection.

Looking for signs of resurrection (photo of rising sun)

don't mind me I'm just
looking for signs of resurrection
little signs that the fallen still rise
thistle puffs that float like ghosts
carrying seeds in their long white hair
a mournful dove calling to her mate
the sun rising through darkened clouds
these bearers of hope wrap their banners
across my heart and stir the sleepy
promises of spring like a memory
just waiting to burst into life


How do you deal with sadness?

How to deal with sadness

sometimes sadness
rises through the walls
of my chest

I thought I had
packed her 
safely away
for another day

but she unfolds
herself and she
gets her way

flooding memories
of all that was lost
streaming images
of bridges crossed

I see sadness
running like rivers
through mountains

sadness rushing
like wild horses
through valleys

sadness flowing
over rocks
and glass

sadness seeping
through mud
and sand

sadness dripping
through rain
and pain

sadness slipping
through cracks
and splinters

sadness melting
like a thousand

the ceaseless movement
through the walls
of my chest

cannot be folded
and packed away
cannot be ignored
another day

her music has a name
this mournful melody
wants to be acknowledged
so she can be set free

so I listen to her song
and I call it by name
Melancholy, I say
and I watch her transform

she's a thing with feathers
rising from the ash
and she gently flies away

it's a new day

There Is A Treasure

This is for all you treasure hunters – now is the time.

There is a treasure

there is a treasure
buried deep
in the heart

you must burrow
into the abyss

until you see
a light

or hear
a voice

or become wrapped 
in a gauze
of answers


when you hear 
a word resonating

in the recesses
of your soul

the treasure is near


you have been 
given power

to receive
this treasure

so go now
retrieve it

now is the time

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